
Yes, this is another food blog.

However, not just any food blog. I don’t aspire to create a following or turn this blog into a side gig. I am not a trained chef or a food enthusiast for that matter. I’m just a girl who gets satisfaction from both cooking and eating a a great meal. And well… I had to (aka forced to) create a blog for my Business Media class back in 2016 and thought what other topic to use than food?

I truly believe food is diverse and welcoming no matter who you are or where you are. It is the essence of life and it brings people together like no other medium. Like many others, a home cooked meal reminds me of my childhood. I literally spent every day helping out in the kitchen, whether it was for my moms catering business or cooking a family dinner to feed 8 children. As the second oldest girl in the family with four younger siblings, I was quickly taught to pick and peel veggies at age 6 and was able to fully debone a chicken by age 15. (See, I wasn’t kidding that it reminded me of my childhood). Although, I sometimes hated the chore then, I wouldn’t have it any other way now.

This website now serves as a way for me to keep a record of all the recipes from my blended family so that we may each can reference it, no matter where we are. Some of the recipes may also be found online from other bloggers and platforms, which we’ve modified to our taste.


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